Jammy Dodgers biscuits
Jammy Dodgers biscuits. I have a very tasty recipe for you – Jammy Dodgers biscuits and I am sure you are familiar with these! Everyone loves biscuits and we crave...
Jammy Dodgers biscuits. I have a very tasty recipe for you – Jammy Dodgers biscuits and I am sure you are familiar with these! Everyone loves biscuits and we crave...
Pancake Day is almost upon us. Today I have for you super delicious Apple pancakes!! Don’t worry if you a vegan or dairy free as you can easily make Apple...
Crunchy and simple biscuits that look like beautiful pastry Princess plaits. What are Princess plaits and where did they come from? Originally this was my grans recipe and she called...
Yesterday we had our friend Nick over for lunch. As it was a last minute kind of thing, I quickly made some Cheese onion chutney soda bread to have with...
Pearfect turnover, lazy pear and cream cheese puff pastry wrap. We have all been in the situation where you need to bake something quick and have no idea what to make....
Perfect pizza base recipe Since I was little, myself and my brother were always in the kitchen. Eating and baking simple cakes or trying to master our ever changing pizza base...
Appreciation of cake, savoury Goat cheese cake in this case In our house we love cake. We eat it for breakfast, lunch, dinner and we are snacking on cake in...
Magic banana cake As you might be aware we are one of those “weird” families who home school. Having this amazing advantage and being able to bake we always make...
Nutty Sunshine Torte I am quite fussy when it comes to food and I don’t like walnuts in brownies but fancied creating the texture they give. One day I really wanted a...
Aggy’s chocolate orange gateau Slow almost lazy you would say Saturday at home. I felt like baking something light and naughty. Usually we are ending up with our favourite chocolate...
Halloween Moss cake Halloween Moss cake… Spinach and a cup of tea…….?! No, really! Halloween Moss cake with spinach may sound like a crazy idea but trust me and try...